jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Struggle & Activism

        Homosexuals have tried to dealt with this problem of discrimination  for many years now. With the situation of discrimination their was an act in which was formed in the20th century called LGBT Civil Rights Movement, this act has been led to changes in society and media portrayal of homosexuality. It is now legal for same sex marriage and non-gender-specific civil unions. This is one of the major roles of gay rights activism.

         They've tried so much to get the respect they deserve because even though they believe different beliefs and even feel attraction toward their same sex, they are still a normal human beings. Racism has been gone to the point in which it is brought to violence, injustice,  lies, cruelness, and even suicide.Their is no self respect because if we the people don't respect homosexuality they wont accept themselves. Respecting it doesn't mean accepting it, its just a way to give them what they deserve because everyone should have respect.

         They have dealt with situation for many years, they now feel a bit appreciated because society just see homosexuality as something 'normal' and 'accepted'. Back then it was a big deal because Thomas Jefferson made a law in which all homosexual would go through a process in which they would be tortured for being and believing their sexual orientation. They've tried to fight back for what they believe but society has made it hard for them because of the negativity that has been brought to them. They were peaceful throughout the whole process of receiving there LGBT Act, but as for the rest of the people from the United Stated that were against this they only resolved it with violence, discrimination, racism, and cruel verbal and physical actions.

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