sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Change Makes a Difference

             Going back 100 years before our time period homosexuality was seen to be something evil, a devils son or daughter, something that was so bad that was only resolved with violence and death. But now things have changed, years have passed and things are scene differently. Society has accepted the LGBT Act in which see's everything as normal just like a Straight couple. It had been accepted to persuade others to be gay if they want to, but in the other hand the only one's who do not accept this are the religious people because its against their bible.

           Comparing the amount of people that committed suicide about 10 years ago and comparing it from now, suicide rates have become less than before. Suicide is no longer an option for homosexuals because now that society has considered this as a normal sexual orientation, homosexuals feel accepted and respected. Things have changed in a way that has been even breath taking because if you look back years from now, homosexuality was condemned to death. Religion has been ignored, because they no longer pay attention to what God's scriptures says. They infesize themselves in what people view things it now and their point of view.

          Sociologists don't base homosexuality in a way that can be referred to biology methods. Its a cont reversal subject because no one really knows if homosexuality comes in a nature or nurture way in humans. I've heard people say "Homosexuality is not bad because their are animals that are also gay and God made them" These things make people seem ignorant. I never question God's scriptures but if homosexuality exists we should respect them because God also says "Love thy neighbor as thyself" We have no right to hate no one for their sexual orientation or preference. But throughout the years things have changed, society has changed, and how people viewed homosexuality has changed also.

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