jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Life being Japanese

           Day 56
      We have arrived in Hawaii about 3 weeks ago, its been hard but i still have the faith that I can earn enough money to bring my family here. Even though were going through discrimination i know that we will have a future here. Samantha is a friend that i met here, she is from Italy. She also has been through a lot just like me. We've had days in which we had no food to eat nor water to drink.In the night we would share are stories and how tuff it was to be where we are today.

       Doing agricultural work is hard, I sweat more than a pig does. But sometimes i think its worth it but other times i don't. All I want is to see my family, especially my mother. I would do anything to see her again. I work night and day just to see her face again, I know someday I will have a brighter future for her and my family. We've been treated as enemy aliens and sometimes i think its not fair because we are not all bad. Some of us do deserve to be here and others don't.

        No one understand what we immigrants go through. The image we used to have in our minds of the U.S I now know everything was a lie. I imagined it here as if it were heaven. As a place i would find God at. But now I know life here is so much harder than what I thought. I see my people going through the same thing i am and it hurts cause i don't want them to.

         If I had the opportunity to tell all my people from Japan what life really is here I would tell them to stay over there better. I just go through so many things in which i starve, I work, I sometimes don't have the time to bathe and life over there in my country was so much easier than what i go through now. Only if i had the opportunity. I do get paid well but now that the war has ended and business is very slow now its so much harder to earn money. But i know one day god will help e go through all these things.

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