viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

My Thoughts; My Mind...

On Andy's blog it was actually interesting because he did describe how the 'Indians were taken away from their own land as for the "Black Hills". He added many good and quite exiting facts in which in the story of history no one will forget. I HE composed his blog also with the horrifying events that happened like the violence that were made. Between both sides as for the whites and the native americans there were violence and injustice. I liked very much his blog.

On Arshad's blog i agree with him in everything he wrote being he used true facts and believed that the Native Americans should of had their own rights and beliefs. I liked that he described some of the events that happened and use his sincere beliefs and thoughts into his blog. I also liked that he really maintaine his topic on the religion matter because it is true everyone should believe anything they want and not be force to believe something they dont want to.

On Angel's Blog i found it very inspriring on how he wrote. He decribed the events that happened and mentioned almost all of them. I liked that he gave his opinion and also thought the same thing as me has for the whites abusing the Native Americans. He used honesty and it looked that he took time to creat this post. I liked it very much.

On Yaidy's Blog she described the kinds of religions and beliefs the Native Americans had. I like that she gave a very good opinions and at the same time included facts in which could provide to us important information. I liked that she agreed in the same thing as me of thinking that the whites wanted to convert the Native Americans into christians and as themselves. As for now that we know it as "assimilation" That the whites want to take away the freedom from the NAtive Americans to gain theres.  

Ruben's Post is actually was referred in a phycological matter. Everything was majorally based in opinions. He used facts to describe it and used facts that were from back then and facts that were ocurring now in day. He compared both ways and both side as for the whites and Native Americans. He wrote more information because as you can see he used more than 8 paragraphs to compose his Blog. It was shown that he gave is heart and soul into this essay because he gave all his opinions and how he viewed all these events and cruelty that had happened to the Native Americans.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

The whites gained their freedom from taking away the Native Americans

The Native Americans were people that had their own beliefs, traditions, costumes, and tribes. These tribes were groups of people in which they believed were family.  They had their own lands in which the Americans tried day by day to take away from them. They couldn't accept that the Native Americans were the ones who discovered these lands first and they came in as immigrants. This came to be known as the Dakota Sioux, and then the people from Dakota were forced to be put into reservation. They were treated differently and weren't treated fairly either.  
The whites tried to force the Native Americans to do something they didn’t want because they believed in different things as in religion and costumes.  The Americans wanted the Indians too believe in Christianity and not in their religion. The whites wanted to change them into something so much different than what they were and taught. They also wanted the Native Americans to change their names into Christian names. They couldn’t conform themselves with taking away their land and lying to them and never paying them what they agreed on doing. The whites tried so much to change the Native Americans as a replica of themselves. This was called in other words assimilation.
The whites forced the Native Americans to move from their home land to benefit themselves from it, in which the only ones who benefit themselves were the whites. In other words they thought about themselves and not the Native Americans or neither in the needs and wants. The congress made an Act in which was called the Indian Removal Act where it was composed to move and relocate the Native Americans from their land to provide the European-American expansion in the United States. It was referred as a way the Americans were gaining and the Native American loosing.
There were violence between the two sides, the whites and the Native Americans. The Native Americans were calm and tried to have passions with the whites. They tried to put violence aside but sometimes it was difficult to handle. In many occasions the whites would contract some tribes from the Native Americans to fight between their race and other tribes. The whites tried anything to get what they wanted. The Indian tribes were known for scalping. It was a method in which was use to use a knife and cut the scalp of and immediately that would let the person to have severe bleeding and die to death. The Indians and the Whites had times that they would battle each other but the Native Americans didn’t have the same armor materials as the whites did. There was a lot of violence, especially in the Wounded Knee Massacre in which there were many lives killed between both sides.
Native Americans suffered from the whites actions. They were never considered as normal human beings that could have their own rights, religions and thoughts. They were treated unfairly until the point that most were massacred cruelly. They were lied, mistreated, and killed, the whites never allowed them to have the certain rights as all people should have had.  The whites wanted the Native Americans to be just like them, they thought there race was perfect and others weren’t it was a way to be shown as “racism”. They tried to force them to believe in a religion they didn’t want to as Christianity. They proved themselves to be a cruel and child hearted people toward the Native Americans. At the end, no one will ever forget about these events that occurred. They will always be remembered in the story of history.